If one looks at Almaty on map, it is obvious to see that the city is located alongside a mountain range that stretches from China to Uzbekistan. In addition, steppe surrounds Almaty from North, East and West. Only the Southern part is mountainous. Based on that, some interesting features are here. Around Almaty there are many sites worth seeing. Overall, all the places of interest can be divided into three major groups – natural, man-made and a combination of both. As one may guess, natural beauties are from time immemorial. They are a product of natural forces. Water, wind, sun, etc. shaped them. Almost all the locations are accessible by car except some destinations. Comfortable drive is provided. Charyn Canyon is a unique site that can be found only in Kazakhstan and the USA, sort of. Kolsai and Kaindy lakes are one of the most beautiful lakes in Central Asia. Fresh air, natural beauty and friendly infrastructure make them popular with travelers.
Apart from natural ones, man-made cultural heritage sites are also worth exploration. Such a site as Tamgaly deserves to be in UNESCO list because it belongs to all of humanity. Our ancient ancestors painted their rituals on the stones to be handed to the next generation. It gives an idea about how life was a long time ago. An absolutely crazy idea – a window into the ancient world. A mosque designed in Chinese style, old Akyrtas town shining cosmic energy, a new ski resort are other examples of human creativity. Almaty places to visit are worth seeing and of good quality.
Almaty region is mountainous and has a lot of rivers that get water from the snow caps. No wonder that the big area is called “Jetisu” which means “seven rivers”. Historically, the area was rich in agro stuff. On top of that, the climate is mild which allows many trees and fruits to grow. Compared to that, the Northern Kazakh steppes are cold and dry. In a word, per square meter Almaty area has more attractions and beauties since the Alatau mountains have shaped the geography. Only the Eastern part of Kazakhstan can compete with Almaty because the mighty Altay mountains are located in that area.
Charyn canyon |
Big Almaty Lake |
Issyk lake |
Altyn Emel |
Kaindy lake |
Kolsai lakes |
Apart from the places outside the city, there are many attractions inside the city itself. It is a good idea to compare places inside and outside: urban vs nature. To see them, click here.
This page has some information about places located around Almaty. Many sites are accessible and comfortable to drive. Modern infrastructure is in place to ensure good trips. 2023jan12